Sunday, October 5, 2008


Welcome to the new "Health Food" for Thought format. I will periodically make posts here about things that are on my mind. Topics will include Health and Wellness issues I think you may be interested in. You can subscribe to the RSS feed below to know when I update or I'll put a link to here in the other monthly newsletter that I send out.

As many of you know, I am currently studying for a Chiropractic
Diplomate degree in Neurology from ACNB, through The Carrick Institute. In chiropractic, there are many specialty or diplomate degrees that you can get. From orthopedics, radiology, to pediatrics and wellness. ACNB has the only degree fully accredited by the National Commission for Certification Agencies (NCCA), and the accreditation body of the National Organization from Competency Assurance (NOCA). Therefore many of my posts here will have a slant toward what I am learning at the time.

The following is a video of Dr. John Medina, the author of Brain Rules, of a lecture he gave at Google explaining Neuroplasticity (the basis of what we do) and some interesting things from his book. If you have any questions about topics presented here, please email me at

This should give you a basic understanding. I will build upon these topics as we go along.

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